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Sidekicks | Real Country Music
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United States of America
United States of America
  • Country
  • Vocal
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 13
Total viewers: 128
Fan favorites: 6
More About Sidekicks

Background includes:

My name is Dave. I Started my Music Career by singing at an early age as a High Tenor in our Family Gospel Music Quartet. We Toured S.E. USA & Mid-USA States until everyone started growing up and living their own lives.

I STILL Love 3 & 4 Part Harmonies.

My Teenage Years migrated me to Southern Roc in the Early 1970's & was a member of Numerous Honky-Tonk Country/Dance Bands for several Years.

I was a House DJ for area Clubs plus Toured as a Mobile Sound & Light DJ Show for (25+) Years, I have had the pleasure of Entertaining Countless Folks & enjoying all Genres of Music for Years!

Instruments I Play:

Yamaha Rock Tour Custom + Roland Digital Drums, Carvin (5) String Bass, (6) Sting Gibson Hummingbird Acoustic, & am a PA/Sound Junkie.

I love Singing Backup Harmonies to boost the "Out Front" Melodies.

Thank You for Stopping by: David Love

Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Tune In and Enjoy my Live Performances. From Time to Time,,,

Stop in & Enjoy some of my Friends & Guests that will share some of their Life Stories about playing Music.

Always a LOT of Fun!

Be SURE to Add Me to your "Favorites" List.

Thanks in Advance!

Embarrassing Moment

To many Embarrassing Moments to list. But,,,

Here's a recent one.

I was to play Drums for a group at a Gig that was about (130+) Miles from home. Gig was in the Middle of a very Rural area with Only (1) Store in Town.

I set up my Drums but couldn't find my Drum Sticks. I had left them at home!

What to do???

I went to the ONLY Store in Town & found some PLASTIC Cooking SPOONS.

Thought what the Heck... Bought them for $2.00 & Went back to where the Gig was....

Tried them out... Hey they worked pretty good... & Made it thru the Night...

Only ones that knew I was playing with PLASTIC SPOONS,,, were the other Band Members, which Laughed all night long about it, Me, & One Guy in the Crowd that wanted to know where I got the

"Funky Drum Sticks".. LOL

I Still carry those Spoons in my Vehicle ALWAYS Just in Case.

Tune in to the Shows & I am sure some more of these "Embarrassing Moments" will be discussed.

My Instrument

My biggest Instrument regret:

Early 1980's, I sold my Original (1) Owner 1972 Fender "Thinline Telecaster" Guitar & Tweed Case that once belonged to a Great Friend of mine.

My Friend was the Lead Guitarist for "Bee Bumble & the Stingers Band". A Very Popular Band in the '60's. Reportedly, the "Beatles" once OPENED FOR THEM while they were in in the U.K. with a #1 Hit Tour.

Anyway, Included in the deal for the Guitar was a Small Peavey P.A. System. I Sold everything for $800 to a "Preacher" that was introduced to me by a "Friend" of mine.

We made the deal and loaded everything up BUT,,

When I asked for the money,

"Preacher" said "Oh, I only have $200 with me today but I can pay you the other $600 in (30) days." I looked to my "Friend & he Vouched for the Guy.

Never saw the Man, my "Friend", Money, or my Gear again!

The Guitar would be Worth A LOT of Money now!