StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Ortrud = Ulrika | Occasional Artist ;)
Ortrud = Ulrika
UlrikaTomsen Showcase 1
UlrikaTomsen Showcase 2
UlrikaTomsen Showcase 3

  • Vocal
  • Oldies
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 13
Total viewers: 26
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More About Ortrud = Ulrika

Hi, this is Otti from Northern Germany, known in Secondlife as Ulrika Tomsen or simply Ulri.
I'm singing there since some years. Not regularly but on occasion. And i enjoy/ed it. Got support from many people and i always appreciate it.

I sing, as long as i can remember.
First with my mother and sisters, in school, later in choirs.
Singing is nearly important as eating. It must be fun, no Stress.
Like everything in life, my singing has its ups and downs.
And i hope, that i can spend some fun to those who are listening.

I have a wide repertoire, Jazz and swingtunes, Country and folk, musical, movies and pop..., songs i love and that - to my opinion - suit to me.
Playlist is ready - Please, join and listen. *hugs*

And for those who are interested:
i made a server for those who would like to talk and chat about streetjelly more:
"Fans of StreetJelly" Would love if we can meet there too
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

i love open Mic-Events, and i was amazed, when some day a guy i knew called me up to the stage to join him and making a duet. God, was i nervous. But it all went well, i then joined them often for a while.
Today my open Mic is .. singing in Secondlife every now and then... and sonn hopefully here *broad smile*

Embarrassing Moment

It was at a concert... and - oh my gosh - i dropped my music book.

And singing online... why does this darn technic has every time another issue and does not work like i expect?! *grrrrr*

My Instrument

my Voice, just my voice.

Sadly i have never learned to play an Instrument, so i use backingtracks during my shows. And i am very picky with those. I prefer using the best i can get and leave the poor ones aside.