T-Shot | Timmy's Floating Happy Hour

Los Angeles
United States of America
- Blues
- Pop
StreetJelly Stats
Member since:
Last show:
Number of shows: 134
Total viewers: 2,463
Fan favorites: 27
More About T-Shot
Strap in for some high-flyin good times at Timmy's Floating Happy Hour! Come hang out and join the zany antics and live music, for your enjoyment from Los Angeles California. I rarely can schedule shows, so please "like" so you can get an e-mail for whenever the Happy Hour surfaces!
Love to all and stay safe! Stay at home actually! At least until all this is over! Peace!
Love to all and stay safe! Stay at home actually! At least until all this is over! Peace!
Fun Stuff about the Artist
Life on the Street
Haven't perfomed on the streets too much, but when I have, everytime there is a video I'm hidden behind my keyboards. No more double board setup LOL!
Embarrassing Moment
I have messed up songs many a time, but I don't embarrass easy so I either get my way through it or make a joke. No big deal, most people don't notice unless they are musicians themselves.
My Instrument
My main board now is a Korg Kronos 88. I still have my first guitar, a Squire Stratocaster from 1986. My first synthesizer was a Roland, not sure what type, not one of the iconic ones. It blew up when I was trying to clean the insides. Obviously I should not have had it plugged in! That's a 17 year old brain at work for ya.. or not at work hahaha.
Rocker Pins

26 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:

1 Award
“You made my heart sing.”
Last Awarded:

2 Awards
“I bow to your Godliness.”
Last Awarded:

1 Award
Merry Christmas!
Last Awarded:

1 Award
“On my couch, saving the world.”
Last Awarded:
YouTube Videos