- Rock
- Country
Playing live is a blast. If you are not having fun, it is not worth doing! Enjoy every moment.
Every moment is an Embarrassing moment!!!
My first true love was and is still playing drums. I used to be in a band with my cousin who was also a drummer, so I had to migrate to guitar because we could not both be drummers in order to have a band, and I enjoy it quite a bit. It is also easier to control your volume when you play guitar, and my neighbors don't hate me as much now. ;)
My Guitar's Names are:
"Fat Barbie" -Breedlove Acoustic Concert Body
"Baby Gilbert" -3/4 Ibanez Electric 6
"Daddy Gilbert: -Ibanez PG-80
"Burnt Mercy" -B.C. Rich Warlock
"Great White Buffalo" -B.C. Rich Warlock
"Goldie Lox" -Hamer Arch Top
"Captain Crunch" -Kiesel Vader 7
"Jelly Jammer" -Schecter 6
"Bald & Hairy" -Ibanez RG-8
"Jack Black" -Schecter Blackjack 7
"Burl Haggard" -Ibanez RG-9PB
"Zef" -Ibanez Zephyr 6
"Biohazard" -Ibanez RG-6