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SteveRizzi | One man & His Helmet.
SteveRizzi Showcase 1
SteveRizzi Showcase 2
United States of America
Rock Springs, Wyoming
United States of America
  • Rock
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StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 2
Total viewers: 13
Fan favorites: 5
More About SteveRizzi

My name is Steve Rizzi. I started playing music at the age of 6. My infuences are Dream Theater, Type O Negative, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Joe Walsh, Andy Timmons, Paul Gilbert, George Lynch and many many more. I grew up listening to 80's guitarists. When I was a kid, I heard George Lynch's solo album "Sacred Groove" and was completely blown away at how creative and fun to listen to that was. I remember how much that album influenced me, and I knew I wanted to make music. I also remember hearing the Dream Theater albums "Awake" and "Falling into Infinity" and getting hooked on the odd time signatures, and catchy melodic ideas, and poly-rhythmic drumming. I could go on and on.
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Playing live is a blast. If you are not having fun, it is not worth doing! Enjoy every moment.

Embarrassing Moment

Every moment is an Embarrassing moment!!!

My Instrument

My first true love was and is still playing drums. I used to be in a band with my cousin who was also a drummer, so I had to migrate to guitar because we could not both be drummers in order to have a band, and I enjoy it quite a bit. It is also easier to control your volume when you play guitar, and my neighbors don't hate me as much now. ;)

My Guitar's Names are:
"Fat Barbie" -Breedlove Acoustic Concert Body
"Baby Gilbert" -3/4 Ibanez Electric 6
"Daddy Gilbert: -Ibanez PG-80
"Burnt Mercy" -B.C. Rich Warlock
"Great White Buffalo" -B.C. Rich Warlock
"Goldie Lox" -Hamer Arch Top
"Captain Crunch" -Kiesel Vader 7
"Jelly Jammer" -Schecter 6
"Bald & Hairy" -Ibanez RG-8
"Jack Black" -Schecter Blackjack 7
"Burl Haggard" -Ibanez RG-9PB
"Zef" -Ibanez Zephyr 6
"Biohazard" -Ibanez RG-6