StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Marijke | "...funny, cute, sassy and very crowdwarming"
Marijke Showcase 1
Marijke Showcase 2
Marijke Showcase 3

  • Vocal
  • Pop
StreetJelly Stats
Member since:
Last show:
Number of shows: 164
Total viewers: 2,177
Fan favorites: 41
More About Marijke

Hello, my name is Marijke van Voorst. I am from origine a vocalist, but picked up a guitar in november 2014 to never let it go again. Music is such a big passion in my life. Music heals, charges, challenges, builds bridges to meet friends. Playing accoustic electric guitar made me start writing songs.

Music made me a singer songwriter.

And the wonderful community of StreetJelly build me up with their never-ending support and feedback. To be able to share music and my originals with you jellypeople during my shows makes me feel as well proud as thankfull.
Thank you Streetjelly artists and audience!
I hope to see you again soon!

Waves from Holland!
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I was busking.....That moment a big big man started to dance an African dance on the performed music. Fun, sharing, priceless and such a good memory :))

Embarrassing Moment

I d say that was at a jam in London where we on the spot tried to do Ave Maria. This pianist was awesome and played really really great, but ...I couldn t find the key, so we started over and over AND over...... till another musician walked in and said!!! You singing a different Ave Maria then he plays! Ooops!

My Instrument

Since november 2014 kinda play guitar and loving it! It got me to write songs. That's the best thing about music. It teaches, it surprises, it makes you do things you never have done before.

Rocker Pins

Standing Ovation Pin Standing Ovation Pin
14 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:
Love Song Pin Love Song Pin
3 Awards
“You made my heart sing.”
Last Awarded:
DJ Pin DJ Pin
2 Awards
“Thanks for playing my song.”
Last Awarded:
Starving Artist Pin Starving Artist Pin
1 Award
“Here kid, buy yourself something.”
Last Awarded:
Jellypalooza 2015 Pin Jellypalooza 2015 Pin
1 Award
Last Awarded: