- Country
- Blues
I have played in a few bands throughout my life always in the background as a guitarist ,drummer or keyboard player and sang harmonies.
I now just play by myself with a drum machine,guitar or backtracks as I just cant seem to find anyone who likes to jam in this area. I also used to host an open mic in Truro, Nova Scotia at the Revana Pizza Lounge on Pictou Rd every other Sat. night. and I now play local clubs and a few local retirement homes.check out my Youtube stuff here https://www.youtube.com/user/MrWeasle007 or my airbrush art website: http://airbrush_art.tripod.com.
I have been busking the last few years and a couple years ago I was asked to do a show at an outside Greekstyle amphitheatre. I got all set up with my amp speakers etc. and starting playing and the power went off. We checked the breaker in the office about 100 FT away and reset it and of course power only lasted about 30 seconds and would blow again. I was hoping it wasnt my equipment so luckily they had a 150 ft extension cord and we tried that and all was good . Their out door plug had a faulty wire or something and kept blowing, Was a few tense moments , really didnt want to pack it all up again and go home . It turned out to be a great show
My Favorite instrument is a single piece,flying V Gibson copy that I still have but have dropped on its face because of a crap guitar stand and broke the head stock 4 times.I repaired it every time but the last time was just one too many and it now just will not stay in tune,which sucks as it was one of the fastest and best sounding guitars I have ever owned . Now my favorite go to guitar is my 24 fret Flame top Washburn.I started collecting guitars this year .It was always something I wanted to do but just never had the time but now that I finally finsihed building our retirement home ,I decided it was time to start. So far I have a BC Rich guitars ( a Warlock ) 24 fret. I also have one Electric Samick Bass,my foster brother gave me. I have a Epiphone Les paul and SG copy, acouple of Dean guitars,an Indio,a Washburn X-series with 24 frets, a 1960 Bradford electric and I just got a Harley Benton Cherry 33

137 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
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16 Awards
“You made my heart sing.”
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13 Awards
“Thanks for playing my song.”
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3 Awards
“I bow to your Godliness.”
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1 Award
“I love and support your charity.”
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2 Awards
“On my couch, saving the world.”
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