StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
HRomaniClareAngelini | heatheromaniclareangelini
HRomaniClareAngelini Showcase 1
HRomaniClareAngelini Showcase 2
HRomaniClareAngelini Showcase 3
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Blues
  • House Concert
StreetJelly Stats
Member since:
Last show:
Number of shows: 58
Total viewers: 1,032
Fan favorites: 20
More About HRomaniClareAngelini

Heather Romani Clare Angelini
Actress,singer songwriter,dancer,model,artist.
Grew up in England,loved arts from an early age.Trained in ballet.Trained in RAD.Loved to act.Trained freelance in acting,singing,dance,attaining Gold medal acting LAMDA & Gold medals dance RAD/IDTA.Studied professional acting performed in theatre,tv,film,modelling,music,recording.Started writing music from an early age.Published 3 albums/4 singles reaching fans in 60 countries & top 30 worldwide reverb in a short time.Performs on live uk music scene.
Created HCARecords/HCAtheatremusicfilmart.
I wish to help the causes i feel strongly about Wildlife and animals.
Love all
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Never performed on the street yet

Embarrassing Moment

Nothing live on stage yet ,had a few in the recording studio though.

My Instrument

My first instrument was a recorder, drum, violin,mouth organ,clarinet, guitar,piano.Had to give the first five back to school so when i could afford to save up the money i brought a guitar,still got it.I have three now and piano,mouth organ, bongo drum,think i need to get a recorder. Dont know about the clarinet,violin as my school teacher put me of ,she was so strict,maybe one day i might lol.

Rocker Pins

Standing Ovation Pin Standing Ovation Pin
6 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:
Love Song Pin Love Song Pin
2 Awards
“You made my heart sing.”
Last Awarded: