StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Craig_Allen | Old Folkie
Craig_Allen Showcase 1
Craig_Allen Showcase 2
Craig_Allen Showcase 3
United States of America
Port Deposit, Maryland
United States of America
  • Folk
  • Celtic
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 8
Total viewers: 180
Fan favorites: 15
More About Craig_Allen

Music has been part of my life since early childhood, singing in the church choirs. Started piano lessons at age 9. Taught myself basic guitar in high school because a guitar is easier to take to a gig than a piano. Sang in coffee houses in college. Did a short stint with a rockabilly band. And now I've been performing live in Second Life for the last eight years.
YouTube Craig_Allen 
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Embarrassing Moment

Did a music show, just me and a piano player, touring the North Dakota school system one winter for a theater company out of New Mexico. The show was called This Land is Your Land and that was supposed to be the opening song. Well it wasn't till we got up there that we realized we would be playing two different Indian reservations, one being the Sioux reservation in Devil's Lake. Now you really don't want to go onto an Indian reservation with a show called This Land is Your Land. So on the fly we changed it to Songs of America, which in hindsight probably wasn't much better.

My Instrument

I've had several guitars. I started out with a Yamaha 12 string, and then traded that for an Epihone that got stolen in New Orleans when I was on the road with a children's theater company. Replaced that with an Alvarez Yairi that I still have. I now also have Guild F50 dreadnaught, and a Chet Atkins Country Gentleman, which I don't play anymore (see the rockabilly band reference). The Alvarez Yairi I've had the longest. Bought it in '73 which was also the year it was built. She's the only guitar I've ever named; Rosalie. Don't know why, it's just what came to me. Or maybe she told me that was her name. These days I play an old Matador classical that I put Nylgut strings on that is on more or less permanent loan from my best friend. My old fingers just don't take to the steel strings as well anymore.

Rocker Pins

Standing Ovation Pin Standing Ovation Pin
5 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:
DJ Pin DJ Pin
1 Award
“Thanks for playing my song.”
Last Awarded:
Rock God Pin Rock God Pin
1 Award
“I bow to your Godliness.”
Last Awarded: