StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Cjthirty8450 | trying to be a virtuoso
Cjthirty8450 Showcase 1
Cjthirty8450 Showcase 2
Cjthirty8450 Showcase 3
  • Rock
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StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 7
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More About Cjthirty8450

i'm bran new. My mixtapes will be on youtube soon. Uploading times and etc. Cover arts for both are tributes and divinations. Songs are sweat and funk and fast produced.
YouTube Cjthirty8450 
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

open mic at prairie state, i performed at a very large auditorium. i bombed, it went over amazing.

Embarrassing Moment

probably going to be my first time trying to open up a show.

My Instrument

Guitar. Its name is Resounder. If it's acoustic.