ChuckPeerson | Chuck plays the Street at HOME!

San Luis Obispo, CA.
United States of America
- Alternative
- Blues
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 163
Total viewers: 1,148
Fan favorites: 6
More About ChuckPeerson
Chuck Peerson's original folk alternative musics are sure to entertain you! That's what I'd tell anyone on the street if they really wanted to know me. Thankfully, since finding StreetJelly, I know I've been found! My mother wanted me to play saxophone, my father wanted me to play guitar and sing! I now do all three and play piano originals as well, detailing my experiences busking on the Central Coast of California. Charles Thomas Peerson was first found singing in a Baptist Church in Texas, and when the family moved us to California, I started listening to Ray Stevens, Alabama, Michael Jackson, Dolly Parton, and Elvis Presley. Though I didn't play many of their tunes, these artists had influence on what I thought music writing could be, as well as a narrative story of situations all of us are faced with on a daily basis: love, success, failure, appreciation, dealing with stress and competition in a creative world.
Fun Stuff about the Artist
Life on the Street
One time this guy comes up to me and tips me $100. That was a great day! All in all, I am satisfied busking in my town but feel like it would be great to work at home more often.
Embarrassing Moment
This guy walks by me playing saxophone outside Starbucks early one day and says, "Yeah, I used to play saxophone in the morning to relieve my hang-overs."
He tipped me.
My Instrument
My first instrument was an alto saxophone bought for me when I was in fifth grade. It's sitting in under my coffee table. I've no name for my guitar. For some reason I can't name it. I'm looking for suggestions at this point.
I like wild original songs on guitar and sax.
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1 Award
“Thanks for playing my song.”
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