StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Tia_Rockers | Teenage Songwriter
United States of America
Seattle, WA
United States of America
  • Rock
  • Vocal
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 60
Total viewers: 478
Fan favorites: 11
More About Tia_Rockers

My name is Tia. I like everything from Jazz to Metal. My compositions are pretty much uncategorizeable, but it's an easy to explain sound. The guitar is usually clean, with a distorted guitar every once in a while. Guitar usually consists of strummed chords with a little tweaking here and there. If not, power chords. Vocals are usually a pop melody. My voice is very relaxing. It's a very unique voice, but not in a bad way at all. Airy, and smooth with no vibrato. The combination of these sounds make it Alternative, with some punk and folk.
Technically, I've been writing songs since I was 8, but I've wrote melodies since I could sing, so basically since I could talk. :P
I wrote my first full song at 8. I took ages 9 and 10 to experiment. By the time I was 11, I knew music composition well enough to write a song easily. Now I'm 14 and my sound is changing.
Hope you like my music!
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I was playing guitar outside of a grocery store, and this man walked up to me to drop a dollar into my guitar case. He was trying to pull one out of his wallet, but he couldn't seem to grab a single bill. He gave up and grabbed a chunk of his wallet and threw it in my case. I checked it after the song and he gave me $50!

Rocker Pins

Standing Ovation Pin Standing Ovation Pin
3 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
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