- Folk
- Blues
I've been at Hollerbach's Willow Tree Cafe twice a week for the past 12 years. I play these gigs every Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 PM, featuring original music. Three hours straight!! Why?
The first gig I played at the Willow Tree Cafe, it had recently opened and I was playing for just a few people. Just as break time came around, some new people came in, so, thinking they might have stopped to hear me, I played on. This happened all afternoon, and pretty soon, three hours had gone by. Been that way ever since.
I'll also be popping in during the week as time permits, for some cover tune fun.
Listen up - you'll enjoy
Check out ALL my songs here: http://www.nashrambler.net/streetjelly/index.html - same notes as I use at my gigs.
I started doing ALL original music about 2 years ago. Recently the owner of the Willow Tree Cafe said to me, "so, you're doing all original music now" to which I replied that I was. He quickly said, "And no one has noticed!", which means my music is just as good as the cover songs everyone knows Nice to know I still get the same tips and crowd response to my own music..
Here's a link to "Bread in My Jar": https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200671260617751&set=a.10200671284258342.1073741826.1647887752&type=1
You can always drop me a message at nrambler@bellsouth.net.
Thank you!
I've been doing "The Willow Tree Cafe" theme song which I wrote for 12 years now, and I still forget the lyrics. That's one of the joys of playing outside, being distracted by the sights on the street.
Here's a link to "bread in my jar", a true story - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200671260617751&set=a.10200671284258342.1073741826.1647887752&type=1
I'd like to find my first guitar which was stolen in 1970 while I was in college in Upstate NY. It was a 1966 Framus. I used to have the serial number, but my ex kept it with everything else I ever owned. I don't name my guitars. I don't get that attached. When the frets get worn, it's time to replace. I like to make cheap guitars sound good. I like the challenge of finding the cheapest solid top there is, putting in my own pickup and having it sound good.

10 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:

1 Award
“You made my heart sing.”
Last Awarded:

1 Award
“Thanks for playing my song.”
Last Awarded:

1 Award
“I bow to your Godliness.”
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1 Award
“You're going to the Big Time.”
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