StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
ChristyLynn | Christy Lynn
Kings Beach, CA
  • Folk
  • Blues
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More About ChristyLynn

I was raised on the road but always found time for music. Voal Opera and Jazz lessons/ensemble groups from age 9-19 then spent some time learning to play the guitar.

Around 23 I started playing gigs at bars, night clubs, living rooms, back yards & sidewalks... where-ever & whenever!

In 2012 I met Lacy Webb and we formed Altered Ego - A Funky Folky Female Duo (

In the first two years we wrote dozens of songs and highlights included having 3 original songs featured on the radio, we'd recorded with some pretty amazing people and played Hard Rock Cafe, Tahoe. We haven't been playing very much the past year because we're residential managersl, both work AND I started school this year... so, needless to say we don't get out very often these days and this seems like the perfect venue!

So that's why I'm here! To play, for you!
ReverbNation ChristyLynn